We Rock the Spectrum – Hurst was founded to provide a place for children of all ability levels to play and grow together. As the only kid’s gym that offers an inclusive philosophy, we have found all children can benefit from our uniquely designed sensory equipment that is specifically designed to aid children with sensory processing disorders. However, in our experience, all children are able to benefit greatly from this equipment and by allowing children of all ability levels to play together they are able to learn a great deal from each other and become the best motivation for success on every level.
The staff at We Rock the Spectrum – Hurst are comprised of the most caring, understanding, and energetic people around. We have a host of staffers and volunteers who come to us in order to assist our gym and its goal of aiding children with special needs in growing beyond the expectations of doctors and therapists. Often a therapist for a child with special needs will attend the gym with the children in order to observe and provide their therapy while using the equipment in our gym. This allows kids the access they want to the amazing equipment while the therapist is able to take advantage of the support and availability of the staff and equipment which might not be present in other settings.
Upper Body Strength
Fast Movement
Jumping & Tumbling
Gross Motor Coordination
Climbing & Planning
Safe Falling
Deep Pressure Stimulation
Gross Motor Control
Tactile Exploration
Abstract Thinking
Body Control
Deep Pressure Stimulation
Motor Planning
Upper Body Strength
Motor Sequencing
Balance Control
Experimental Play
Full-Body Coordination
Motor Planning
Bilateral Coordination
Balance Control
Lower Body Strength
Balance Control
Motor Planning